The Professional Voice of the independent vape industry
Founded by some of the UK’s leading independent manufacturers, importers, distributors, and vendors, the Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA) is a not-for-profit, non-political trade association. The IBVTA has been established to support the independent vape industry in the long run, representing all responsible and ethical independent vaping businesses in the UK, irrespective of the size of their companies and operations.
The IBVTA is a collaborative organisation and is not owned by any one individual company or group of companies, it is owned collectively by all its members. Based in the heart of Westminster, the IBVTA is supported by a dedicated secretariat and a steering committee made up of engineers, chemists, and pharmacists.
The mission of the IBVTA is to provide credible knowledge and guidance to support the independent vape sector and promote constructive interaction between this industry sector and the scientific community, vapers, regulators, policy makers, and the general public. The IBVTA fosters research and manufacturing excellence, in order to deliver a robust yet proportionate regulatory landscape that adequately reflects the needs of vaping stakeholders and recognises vaping as a sector in its own right.
All IBVTA members are free from any ownership or control by the tobacco and pharmaceutical industries.